Serial.println(c) // send the count 0 to 9 to the serial output Serial.println('T') // send the Letter T to the serial output Int pinNum = D7 //LED on D7 will flash while loop is running I'm running the simplest sketch I could think of to send data back the Arduino Serial Monitor: int LEDState = LOW I've connected stabilized external 5 and 3.3 V power sources to the board and added some caps for extra smoothing.
I've tried all the standard baud rates between 9600. Since the NodeMCU standard rate is 115200 and it's only talking to my computer and not another Arduino, I didn't think that would be required. I have not tried issuing an AT command to slow the default baud rate down to 9600 (as suggested in answer to another question on this forum). The NodeMCU board has instructions printed on it to My computer is running Linux Mint so I understand that drivers shouldn't be a problem I am not able to get readable data to display in the Serial Monitor. Everything you else you would expect an ESP8266 to do EXCEPT.They're working well except for the fact that I'm getting garbage in the Arduino IDE Serial monitor.Ĭonnect to it from a computer/smartphone/etc I've just received several LoLin NodeMCUs from a 'cheap Chinese ebay vendor'.